Thursday, May 13, 2010

Homeopathy and Isopathy

Comparing Homeopathy and Isopathy

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux ( 1773-1849) lived during the same time period. We know that inventions, discoveries and innovations circle the globe as thoughts and ideas come into existence.

Due to world situations, the movement of disease, state of sanitation, and the health care systems these investigations into new ways of healing became popular. The medical political scene was also under scrutiny with the use of massive doses of toxins as curative agents.

Samuel Hahneman began testing substances on himself and fellow colleagues to see the way the physical body and spiritual matter responded. These documentations and recordings became the beginning of 'homeopathy' where discovering how similar substances could initiate a curative response in a sick person.

On the other hand, Jonathan Joseph Wilhelm Lux was investigating not just all substances, whether they be plants, minerals, animals or energy forms like x-rays. Mr Lux specialized in learning about disease matter, such as pus, and other tissue substances directly from the sick person.

Isopathy is the term that describes using the individual's own discharges (urine), bodily fluids (mucus), or disease matter (more specifically nosode) and potentize this substance and take this in the 'minimal dose' as prescribed by Homeopathic Principle.

Whereas, a homeopathic remedy is a "similar" substance and not the "exact" substance. The isopathic remedy may by a lymphocyte, blood cell, tissue sample, or other discharge from a diseased area, or even a bit of saliva.
You can see the similarity between the Isopathic Approach to healing and Vaccinations, which also introduce an allergen or diseased substance such as in the influenza vaccine and MMR which causes a physical response to a foreign body and boosts the immune system to fight this type of invader in the future.
There is a great difference between isopathy and vaccinations.
• For one, the 'minimal dose' principle is not used in vaccinations.
• Other differences include the fact that isopathy gives the remedy sublingual application orally and not injected into the muscles or blood.
• Isopathy only gives the individual's own substances back via this dosage method and not disease matter or bodily tissue from other beings, either human or animal.
• Isopathy does not standardize the dose as the same or frequency for everyone being equal.
• Isopathy does not mix many substances or diseased matters together.
• Isopathy is specifically designed with the individual in mind, not a mass population.
• Isopathy is very gentle in it's action and has no side effects.
• Isopathy does not introduce any additives or other chemicals into a complex mixture.
• Isopathy is a simple direct method.

The nosodes used in homeopathy may be considered a type of isopathy. The nosodes, which are studied as miasmic conditions, also come from diseased matter and given in the very minimal dose. Many homeopaths suggest giving in ultra high potency. The difference between nosode and isopathy is that the nosode remedy does not come from the individual to whom it is given. In this way, it conforms to the 'similar' principle. Thus, it is not 'exactly' from the individual's own tissue or cells, but comes from someone who had a similar illness.

Aphorism 56 Sixth Edition A third mode of employing medicines in diseases has been attempted to be created by means of Isopathy, as it is called - that is to say, a method of curing a given disease by the same contagious principle that produces it. But even granting this could be done, yet, after all, seeing that the virus is given to the patient highly potentized, and consequently, in an altered condition, the cure is effected only by opposing a simillimum to a simillimum.

Homeopathic Remedy Names and Abbreviations

It is important that one familiarizes itself with the names given to Homeopathic Remedies. While reading labels on Homeopathic remedies the names can come abbreviated or in their full Latin name then potency. In India for instance, each and every remedy is attributed a coded number and they go by those numbers. However it´s not a common practice on this side of the World.

Homeopathy uses infinitesimal doses of a certain substance to stimulate a person's immune system and body's natural defenses.

Homeopathic remedies are produced by taking the remedy from a plant, mineral, chemical, or animal substance, diluting it in water and shaking it vigorously. This process is repeated until reaching the desired dilution and potency.
The list below is not a complete list; they are just the remedies that we usually find on the shelves. Investigators are always adding new remedies to the Homeopathic Medical Matter.


• Aconite, Acon------Aconitum Napellus----------Monkshood, Wolfsbane
• Aesculus, Aesc---Aesculus Hippocastanum---Horse chestnut tree
• Aethusa, Aeth-----Aethusa Cynapium----------Fool’s parsley
• Agaricus, Agar-----Agaricus Muscarius--------Toadstool
• Al Cepa-----------------Allium Cepa---------------Common red onion
• Alumina-----------------------------------------------Aluminum oxide
• Anacardium, Anac--Anacardium Orientale-----Malacca nut
• Ant Crud-----------Antimonium Crudum----------Antimony Sulphide
• Ant Tart-----------Antimonium Tartaricum-------Tartar
• Apis-----------------Apis Mellifica------------------Honey bee
• Arg Nit--------------Argenticum Nitricum---------Silver Nitrate
• Arnica, Arn---------Arnica Montana--------------Mountain tobacco, Leopard’s bane
• Arsenicum, Arsen Alb--Arsenicum Album------White oxide of the metal arsenic
• Baptisia, Bapt--------Baptisia Tinctoria----------Wild indigo
• Belladonna, Bell-----Atropa Belladonna---------Deadly nightshade
• Bellis Perennis---------------------------------------Common daisy
• Borax---------------------------------------------------Sodium borate
• Bryonia-----------------Bryonia Alba---------------Wild hops
• Calc Carb-----------Calcarea Carbonica---------Calcium carbonate, oyster shells
• Calc Fluor------------Calcarea Fluorica-----------Fluoride of lime
• Calc Phos-----------Calcarea Phosphorica-------Phosphate of lime
• Calc Sulph----------Calcarea Sulphurica---------Gypsum
• Calendula-----------Calendula Officinalis---------Marigold
• Cantharis------------Cantharis Vesicatoria-------Spanish fly
• Carbo Veg-----------Carbo Vegetabilis-----------Wood charcoal
• Carbolic Acid--------Carbolicum Acidum---------Carbolic acid
• Castor Equi-------------------------------------------Horse’s thumbnail
• Caulophyllum----Caulophyllum Thalictroides----Squaw root
• Causticum---------------------------------------------Potassium hydrate
• Chamomilla---------Matricaria Chamomilla-------German chamomile
• China-----------------China Officinalis--------------Cinchona bark, Peruvian bark
• Cimicifuga------------Actea Racemosa------------Black cohosh
• Cocculus-------------Cocculus Indicus-------------Fish berry, India berry
• Coccus Cacti------------------------------------------Cochineal
• Coffea-------------------Coffea Cruda--------------Coffee, Mocha bean
• Colocynth---------------Colocynthis----------------Bitter apple, Bitter cucumber
• Crotalus Horridus------------------------------------Rattlesnake
• Cuprum---------------Cuprum Metallicum---------Copper
• Drosera--------------Drosera Rotundifolia--------Sundew
• Dulcamara-----------Solanum Dulcamara---------Bittersweet, Woody nightshade
• Echinacea-----------Echinacea Angustifolia------Purple cone flower
• Eupatorium Perf----Eupatorium Perfoliatum-----Indian sage
• Euphrasia------------Euphrasia Officinalis--------Eyebright
• Ferrum Phos--------Ferrum Phosphoricum------White phosphate iron
• Gelsemium----------Gelsemium Sempervirens---Yellow jasmine
• Glonoine------------------------------------------------Nitroglycerine
• Hamamelis-----------Hamamelis Virginica---------Witch hazel
• Hepar Sulph-------Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum--Calcium sulphide
• Hypericum-----------Hypericum Perfoliatum-------St John’s Wort
• Ignatia--------------------Ignatia Amara--------------St Ignatia’s bean
• Ipecac---------------Cephaelis Ipecacuanha-------Ipecacuanha
• Kali Bic-----------------Kali Bichromicum-------------Bichromate potash
• Kali Carb---------------Kali Carbonicum-------------Potassium carbonate
• Kali Mur-----------------Kali Muriaticum--------------Potassium chloride
• Kali Phos--------------Kali Phosphoricum-----------Potassium phosphate
• Kali Sulph--------------Kali Sulphuricum-------------Potassium sulphate
• Lachesis---------Trigonocephalus Lachesis-------Bushmaster, Surukuku snake
• Ledum------------------Ledum Palustre--------------Wild rosemary
• Lycopodium--------Lycopodium Clavatum---------Clubmoss, Wolf’s claw
• Mag Phos--------Magnesium Phosphoricum-------Magnesium phosphate
• Merc Sol------------Mercurius Solubilis---------------Mercury
• Mezereum-----------Daphne Mezereum--------------Spurge olive
• Nat Mur---------------Natrum Muriaticum--------------Sodium chloride, common salt
• Nat Phos------------Natrum Phosphoricum-----------Sodium phosphate
• Nat Sulph------------Natrum Sulphuricum-------------Sodium sulphate
• Nit Ac-------------------Nitricum Acidum----------------Nitric acid
• Nux Vomica-------Strychnos Nux Vomica------------Poison nut
• Petroleum--------------Oleum Petrae------------------Crude rock oil •
• Phosphorus-----------------------------------------------Phosphorus
• Phytolacca----------Phytolacca Decandra-----------Poke root
• Pulsatilla--------------Pulsatilla Nigricans-------------Meadow anemone, wind flower
• Pyrogen------------------Pyrogenium-------------------Sepsin
• Quercus-------------Quercus Glandium---------------Acorn tincture
• Rhus Tox----------Rhus Toxicondendron-------------Poison ivy
• Ruta-------------------Ruta Graveolens----------------Rue
• Salvia------------------Salvia Officinalis----------------Sage
• Secale----------------Secale Cornutum----------------Ergot of rye
• Sepia------------------Sepia Officinalis-----------------Cuttlefish, squid
• Silica----------------------Silica Terra--------------------Flint
• Spongia----------------Spongia Tosta------------------Roasted sea sponge
• Staphysagria-----Delphinium taphysagria------------Stavesacre
• Sulphur-----------------------------------------------------Brimstone, sulphur flower
• Symphytum-------Symphytuin Officinalis-------------Boneset, comfrey
• Tabacum-----------Nicotiana Tabacum---------------Tobacco
• Tarentula----------Tarentula Cubensis---------------Cuban tarantula
• Urtica Urens-----------------------------------------------Lesser nettle, stinging nettle
• Veratrum Alb---------Veratrum Album White---------hellebore

Should You Do Yoga Everyday?

Everyday Yoga

There are quite a few ways to answer the question, “Should I do yoga everyday?” The right approach for you depends on your perspective and definition of yoga.
It depends on what your body needs and what kind of yoga practice you're doing.
In the most expansive sense, the answer is “Yes.”

If you think of what yoga is as a whole, it defines how we live. It can guide how you interact with the world, and is a very good guide at that.

Part of yoga is being kind to people, living by ethical guidelines such as ahimsa, or non-violence, and satya, which describes truth and honesty.

When you consider this broad perspective of yoga as a way of living with the highest integrity, then it only makes sense that we practice it everyday.

However, most of the time people ask this question they’re referring to the physical asana practice. Should you go to your mat and practice everyday?

Well, it depends.

What kind of yoga do you do? Is it serving your body in the highest way? Is it aligned both physically and philosophically with your highest good?
Those are the questions you really need to know to decide if you should go to your mat everyday.

And some days it’s more appropriate to rest. When women are on their menstrual cycle, sometimes the body would like a day off. Sometimes when the body is fighting off an illness or injury the kindest thing to do is not to practice.
Then again, sometimes the best thing you can do is to get the breath and circulation moving to assist the body’s natural healing capabilities.

Small Doses of Yoga Delight

But what if you don’t feel you have the time for that kind of consistency?
If you aren’t able to make time for a yoga class, or your own personal practice, don’t despair. Take a few minutes here and there throughout your day.

Here’s an example:
Sit up tall in your chair and connect to your breath.
Let your breath initiate the movements described here.
With an inhale, lift your arms up over your head.
With an exhale, float your hands back down to your sides.
Repeat this a few times and notice the change in your breath and body.
See? Super simple, not at all time consuming, and yet this is a very powerful little exercise to increase circulation and wake up your breath. It can help you have more energy and focus as well.

Meditation is Yoga

Another aspect of yoga that is tremendously helpful to include in your everyday practice of being human is meditation.

Meditation connects you to who you truly are, helps you get clear about your purpose in life, and supports equanimity in this wonderfully crazy world.
Meditation doesn’t have to take a long time; even 5 minutes can make a huge difference! Just be patient with your mind and explore the stillness with wonder and curiosity. Check out the Demystifying Meditation link above if you’re interested in learning more, or if you want a couple of meditations to try.

Your Own Truth

Often we doubt ourselves, or don’t give our intuitions the attention they deserve. It’s great to look for outside sources of information, yet use these to inform your own choices, not to decide for you.
Trusting yourself is so important. No one else can tell you what is right for you in the deepest, truest sense. Sure, sometimes our choices lead to mistakes, but by forgiving, learning, and moving on, we get stronger.
When you’re unsure about your yoga practice, or anything else for that matter, go within and find your own truth.
Listen to your body. Listen to your own wisdom. Listen to your intelligence. Listen to your heart.