Thursday, May 13, 2010

Homeopathy and Isopathy

Comparing Homeopathy and Isopathy

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux ( 1773-1849) lived during the same time period. We know that inventions, discoveries and innovations circle the globe as thoughts and ideas come into existence.

Due to world situations, the movement of disease, state of sanitation, and the health care systems these investigations into new ways of healing became popular. The medical political scene was also under scrutiny with the use of massive doses of toxins as curative agents.

Samuel Hahneman began testing substances on himself and fellow colleagues to see the way the physical body and spiritual matter responded. These documentations and recordings became the beginning of 'homeopathy' where discovering how similar substances could initiate a curative response in a sick person.

On the other hand, Jonathan Joseph Wilhelm Lux was investigating not just all substances, whether they be plants, minerals, animals or energy forms like x-rays. Mr Lux specialized in learning about disease matter, such as pus, and other tissue substances directly from the sick person.

Isopathy is the term that describes using the individual's own discharges (urine), bodily fluids (mucus), or disease matter (more specifically nosode) and potentize this substance and take this in the 'minimal dose' as prescribed by Homeopathic Principle.

Whereas, a homeopathic remedy is a "similar" substance and not the "exact" substance. The isopathic remedy may by a lymphocyte, blood cell, tissue sample, or other discharge from a diseased area, or even a bit of saliva.
You can see the similarity between the Isopathic Approach to healing and Vaccinations, which also introduce an allergen or diseased substance such as in the influenza vaccine and MMR which causes a physical response to a foreign body and boosts the immune system to fight this type of invader in the future.
There is a great difference between isopathy and vaccinations.
• For one, the 'minimal dose' principle is not used in vaccinations.
• Other differences include the fact that isopathy gives the remedy sublingual application orally and not injected into the muscles or blood.
• Isopathy only gives the individual's own substances back via this dosage method and not disease matter or bodily tissue from other beings, either human or animal.
• Isopathy does not standardize the dose as the same or frequency for everyone being equal.
• Isopathy does not mix many substances or diseased matters together.
• Isopathy is specifically designed with the individual in mind, not a mass population.
• Isopathy is very gentle in it's action and has no side effects.
• Isopathy does not introduce any additives or other chemicals into a complex mixture.
• Isopathy is a simple direct method.

The nosodes used in homeopathy may be considered a type of isopathy. The nosodes, which are studied as miasmic conditions, also come from diseased matter and given in the very minimal dose. Many homeopaths suggest giving in ultra high potency. The difference between nosode and isopathy is that the nosode remedy does not come from the individual to whom it is given. In this way, it conforms to the 'similar' principle. Thus, it is not 'exactly' from the individual's own tissue or cells, but comes from someone who had a similar illness.

Aphorism 56 Sixth Edition A third mode of employing medicines in diseases has been attempted to be created by means of Isopathy, as it is called - that is to say, a method of curing a given disease by the same contagious principle that produces it. But even granting this could be done, yet, after all, seeing that the virus is given to the patient highly potentized, and consequently, in an altered condition, the cure is effected only by opposing a simillimum to a simillimum.